Medicine Wheel
Treaty of 1760
Medicine Wheel

Treaty of Peace and Friendship concluded with the Delegates of the St. Johns and Passamaquody tribes of Indians at Halifax, February 1760.

Whereas Articles of Submission and Agreement were made and concluded at Boston in New England in the Year of our Lord 1725 by Sauguaaram alias Loron Arexus Francois Xavier and Meganumbe, Delegates from the Tribes of Penobscott Naridgwalk, St. Johns and other tribes inhabiting His Majesty’s Territories of Nova Scotia and New England, in manner and form following Vizn. 

Articles of Submission and Agreement at Boston in New England by Sauguaaram als Loron Arexus Francois Xavier and Meganumbe Delegates from the Tribes of Penobscott Naridgwalk St. Johns Cape Sable and other Tribes of the Indians inhabiting within  His Majesty’s Territories of Nova Scotia and New England. 

Whereas His Majesty King George by the Concession of the most Christian King made at the Treaty of Utrecht is become the Rightfull possessor of the Province of Nova Scotia or Accadie according to its ancient Boundaries We the said Sauguaaram als Loron Arexus Francois Xavier and Megamumbe Delegates from the said Tribes of Penobscott Naridgwalk St. Johns, Cape Sables and other Tribes inhabiting within his Majesty’s said Territories of Nova Scotia or Accadie and New England So in the Name and behalf of the said Tribes we represent acknowledge his Said Majesty King Georges Jurisdiction and Dominion over the Territories of said Province of Nova Scotia or Accadie and make our Submission to his Said Majesty in as ample a manner as We have formerly done to the Most Christian King. 

And we further promise in behalf of the said Tribes we represent that the Indians shall not molest any of His Majesty’s Subjects or their Dependants in their Settlements already or lawfully to be made or in their carrying on their Trade and other affairs within said Province. 

That if there happens any Robbery, or outrage Committed by any of the Indians the Tribe or Tribes they belong to shall cause Satisfaction and Restitution to be made to the Parties injured. 

That the Indians shall not help to convey away any Soldiers belonging to His Majesty’s Forts, but on the contrary shall bring back any soldier they find endeavoring to run away. 

That, In case of any misunderstanding Quarrel or Injury between the English and the Indians no private Revenge shall be taken but application shall be made for Redress, according to his Majesty’s laws. 

That is the Indians have made any Prisoners belonging to the Government of Nova Scotia or Accadie during the course of the War they shall be released at or before the Ratification of the Treaty. 

That this Treaty shall be Ratified at Annapolis Royal. 

Dated at the Council Chamber at Boston in New England this fifteenth day of December An Dom, one thousand Seven hundred and twenty five Annog R.R. Georgy Mag Britan and Duodecimo. 

Which Articles of Submission and Agreement were renewed and confirmed at Halifax in Nova Scotia in the Year of Our Lord 1749 by Joannes Pedousaghugh Chief of the Tribe of Chignecto Indians and Francois Aroudourvish, Simon Sactarvino and Jean Baptiste Maddouanhook, Deputies from the Chiefs of the St. Johns Indians in manner and form following Vizn. 

I Johannes Pedousaghugh Chief of the Tribe of Chignecto Indians for myself and in behalf of my Tribe my Heirs and their heirs for ever and We Francois Aroudorvish, Simon Sactarvino and Jean Baptiste Maddouanhook Deputies from the Chiefs of the St. Johns Indians and Invested by them with full powers for that purpose Do in the most solemn manner renew the above Articles of Agreement and Submission and every Article thereof with His Excellency Edward Cornwallis Esq Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His Majestys Province of Nova Scotia or Accadie Vice admiral of the Same Colonel in His Majestys Service and one of his bed Chamber In Witness whereof I the said Johannes Pedousaghugh have Subscribed this Treaty and affixed by Seal and We the said Francois Aroudorvisah Simon Sactarvino and Jean Baptiste Maddouanhook in behalf of the Chiefs of the Indian Tribes we Represent have Subscribed and affixed our Seals to the Same and engage that the said Chiefs shall Ratify this Treaty at St. Johns.  Done in Chibucto Harbour the fifteenth of August One Thousand Seven hundred and forty nine. 

In Presence of P. Hopson, Mascarence, Robt ellison, Iam T. mercer, Chas Lawrence, Edn How, Edm. Gorham, Benj. Green, John Salusbury, Hugh Davidson, William Steele (Members of the Council for Nova Scotia) 

Johannes Pedousaghsigh 
Francois Aroudorvish 
Simon Sactarvino 
Jean Bap.t Maddouanhook 

And the same was according Ratified at St. Johns in manner and form following Vizn. 

The Articles of Peace on the other Side Concluded at Chibucto to the fifteenth of August One Thousand Seven hundred and forty nine with His Excellency Edward Cornwallis Esq.r Cap.t Gen. Gov.r & Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Province of Nova Scotia or Accadie and Signed by our Deputies having been communicated to Us by Edward How esq.r One of His Majestys Council for Said province, and faithfully Interpreted to Us by Madam DeBelliste Inhabitant of this River nominated by Us for that purpose We the Chiefs and Captains of the River St. John and places adjacent do for ourselves and our different tribes Confirm and Ratify the same to all Intents and purposes. 

Given under our Hands at the River St. Johns the fourth day of September One Thousand Seven hundred and forty nine n presence of the under written Witnesses 
Michell   Narragonis chief
Nicola Neguin Capt
Francois De Xavier Archibano Marqillie
Pierre Alexander Margillie
Augustin Meyacvet, Maitre Chief deRiv St. Jean
Francois Mayanyarvet, Maitre Lerure D.
Rene Neguin
Neptune Pierre Paul Chief of Pasmequody
Luafin Papanlouet
Francois Germain Capt
Pierre Bennoit Capt
Francois Drino Capt
Rene File D’ambroise Capt

Ed.d Hon. One of His Majesty’s Council 
Nath Dennal 
John Beare 
Joseph Winniett 
John Wonn 
Rob McKoun 
Matt Winniett 
John Phillipps 

And Whereas the said Articles of Submission and Agreement, so made and concluded, renewed, confirmed and ratified have notwithstanding been since violated contrary to the good Faith therein engaged for the constant and strict Observation and performance thereof and to the Allegiance due from the said Tribes to His Majesty Our Sovereign Lord King George We Mitchel Neptune Chief of the tribe of Indians of Passamaquody, and Ballomy Glode Captain in the Tribe of Indians of St. John’s River Delegates from the said Tribes and by them fully authorised and empowered to make and conclude with His Excellency Chas Lawrence Esq.r His Majesty’s Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia or Accadie in behalf of His Majestys Government of the Said Province a Treaty for the renewal and future firm Establishment of Peace and Amity between the said Tribes of Passamaquody and St. Johns River Indians and his Majesty’s other subjects and to renew the Acknowledgment of the Allegiance of the said Tribes and their engagements to a perfect and constant Submission and Obedience to His Majesty King George the Second his Heirs and Successors Do accordingly in the name and behalf of the said Tribes of Passamaquody and St. Johns herby renew and Confirm the aforesaid Articles of Submission and Agreement, and every part thereof and do solemnly promise and engage that the same shall for ever hereafter be strictly observed and performed. 

And We the said Mitchel Neptune and Ballomy Glode, for ourselves and in the name and behalf of the said Tribes of Passamaquody and St. Johns Indians Do respectively further promise and engage that no person or persons belonging to the said Tribes shall at any time hereafter aid or Assist any of the Enemies of His most Sacred Majesty King George the Second or of his Heirs and Successors nor shall hold any Correspondence or Commerce with any such His Majestys Enemies in any way or manner whatsoever and that, for the more effectually preventing any such Correspondence and Commerce with any of His Majestys Enemies the said Tribes shall at all times hereafter Trafic and barter and exchange Commodities with the Managers of such Truckhouses as shall be established for that purpose by his Majesty’s Governors of this Province at Fort Frederick or elsewhere within the Said Province and at no other place without permission from His Majestys Government of the said Province.  And We do in like manner further promise and engage that for the more effectually securing and due performance of this Treaty and every part thereof a certain Number, which shall not be less than Three from each of the aforesaid tribes, shall from and after the Ratification hereof constantly reside in Fort Frederick at St. Johns or at such other place or places within the Province as shall be appointed for that purpose by His Majestys Governors of the said Province as Hostages, which Hostages shall be exchanged for a like Number of others of the said Tribes when requested. 

And We do further promise and engage that this Treaty and every part thereof shall be ratified by the Chiefs and Captains and other principal persons of the said Tribes for themselves and in behalf of their Tribes at Fort Frederick aforesaid on or before the 20th of May next. 

In Faith and Testimony whereof We have Signed these Presents and caused the Seal of the Province to be hereunto affixed, And the said Michel Neptune and Ballomy Glode have hereunto put their Marks and Seals in the Council Chamber at Halifax in Nova Scotia the Twenty third Day of February in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and sixty and in the Thirty third Year of His Majesty’s Reign. 

A true Copy. 

By His Excell.ys Comm 
Rich.d Bulkeley, Sec.y 

Disclaimer:  This document was retyped as it was written and produced by: Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs Secretariat 1999.

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Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999