Awards and Honours
plaqueIn the course of Eleanor Milne's distinguished artistic career she has received many awards and honours. She won the Art Association Scholarship to study at the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts School of Art and Design and went on to win their Principal's Prize, as well as second place for Book Illustration and Carving and Modelling, and Third Place for Design. For three years running she placed first in the Royal Drawing Society of London, England. At l'École des Beaux Arts she won first and second prizes for wood-engraving, and first and second prizes for sculpture. When Milne went on to Syracuse University in New York to pursue a master's degree, she placed on the Dean's list for general excellence both years, securing the highest award of "A" for the second year. 

Order Of CanadaFor her work as the Dominion Sculptor Milne was awarded the Centennial Medal in 1967, and the Canada 125 Medal in 1992. She received the honour of membership in the Order of Canada in 1988. Milne has received honorary doctorates from Carleton University, D.Litt.; Windsor University, D.Hum.; Queen's University, LL.D. and York University, D.Let. Milne joined the Royal Canadian Academy (RCA) in May 1996, although she had exhibited with them and been invited to join forty years earlier. Her painting of the Jack of Diamonds is part of the Royal Canadian Academy's 1998 Arts Playing Cards Collection.

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