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greg.jpg (4385 bytes) Greg Quachegan:
Researcher, Contact, Web Contributions
M.Ed Candidate Lakehead University

Greg Quachegan is originally from Moose Factory, Ontario.  He lives in Thunder Bay with his family and attends Lakehead University.  He is currently enrolled in his second year of the Master of Education Program and is working on his thesis which will focus on Native education.  Greg plans on teaching in a Native community in September. His long-term goal is to pursue a Ph.D in Education and continue research on Native issues in education.

Greg would like to personally thank:

Roy and Noreen Quachegan; Greg's Parents: for help in advertising, for picking up
and mailing photos and information in Moose Factory.

Emily, Lily and Sid Moore for their contributions to this project.
Robert Pasquach for all his assistance and contributions.
Dr. Emily J. Faries for providing photos of Moose Factory Veterans.
His family, wife Robin and son Valee.

All of the people who have contributed to this project, especially the Native Veterans.