Pioneer Women of the North Peace: Lucille Adems

Lucille (Kariel) Adems
Born in 1881, Lucille Kariel was a gifted actress who married Jack Adems in 1912. They arrived in Finlay Forks in 1913, after gold. This adventurous couple moved to Hudson's Hope in the early 1920's. Their home, "All's Well," complete with a fireplace and French doors, was well-known in the Hudson's Hope area. Their home is now covered by the waters of Williston Lake. The river was their roadway and the family with two children, Donald and Jacqueline, knew it well. Mrs. Adems started a class for young people, a think-well school of thought where one was to think one was well and one would be. Lucille Adems come from the city and enjoyed good health, living to be ninety-one in this northern wilderness. She died in the early 1970's.

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