Flora Pickell

Flora Pickell
Great-granddaughter of the twin brother of Simon Fraser, Mrs. Pickell was a pioneer in her own right. Flora Pickell arrived in the Peace River area in 1923 with her husband, Leo, from Edmonton by way of the river and the D.A. Thomas river boat. They settled across the river near the Ogilvie's where they operated the Telegraph Office. Later relocating to a spot on what is now the Airport Road, the couple also ran the Post Office and Land Office. At first, they resided in the dance hall and later moved to downtown Fort St. John when their new home and telegraph office was completed. The Pickell's had four children; Cecil, Kenneth, Owen, and Bill.

Flora, a skilled pianist and singer, treasured the spirit of youth. To quote a granddaughter, "She loved the young, and the young at heart." Her home was always filled with those wanting to share her warmth and kindness. Pickell Memorial Playground is a reminder of her everlasting youth.

Mrs. Pickell died in the early 1970's.

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This page created 18/07/96