Evalyn Powell

Evalyn Powell
Mother of nine children, acting mother to many U.S. soldiers during W.W.II and to several early flyers, wife and help-mate to 'Red' Powell - early farmer, lumberman, carpenter and trucker. Indefatigable cook, laundress, seamstress, gardener, homemaker, and bread baker - this and much more was Evalyn Powell.

Told graphically in 'Peacemakers of North Peace' by daughters Dorcas Donis and Peggy Atkinson was how, in 1921, Red and Evalyn walked from the Old Fort, with three children - Pen, Dorcas and Peggy. It was no small feat to get the little ones up the hill. Reaching their homestead, Red farmed, plowing at first with milk cow, ox and Indian pony.

One of Evalyn's most trying times was in her first winter, when Red was accidentally shot in a hunting accident. Hospitalization was necessary in Pouce Coupe - the nearest hospital. Food was scarce and money more so. Another period of hardship cane when house and all its contents were lost to fire.

Six more children come to Red and Evalyn - Jack, Gary, Barbara (Pain), Sam, Audrey (Tompkins) and Hubert. Perhaps it was the water of Charlie Lake.

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This page created 18/07/96