Glena Southwick

Glena Southwick
Glena Southwick, her husband, Oliver, and daughter, Viola, arrived in Alberta from the United States in 1911. Shortly after, Glena's second child, Alberta, was born. The family traveled on to Calgary where Glena had three more children; Harold, Tullie, and Peblo. They then headed to Edson where they stayed the winter. Mina was born just before the family started out again in the covered wagon over the Edson trail. Glena recalls the fording rivers, muskeg, and old bridges that made the trip scary for her and the kids.

Another son was born at Dawson Creek. The family finally settled at Charlie Lake and started a saw mill. Glena recalls that "there were lots of hard times, but the babies kept coming." On Sept. 8, 1922, Charlie Lake was born. This was the first baby north of the Peace. There were five more children born at the Lake.

Glena finally sold her property and moved to Vancouver Island. She spent the rest of her life there, passing away in 1949 of a heart ailment.

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This page created 18/07/96