Marien Starnes

Marien Starnes
Jesse Starnes arrived in Southern Alberta from Texas in 1905. In 1913, he settled in Rolla, where he worked as a trapper. Jesse later moved to the mouth of the Clearwater River, known as Starnes' Landing, where he continued trapping.

Jesse brought his wife Marien to their third homestead located half a mile from the clear. They spent over thirty years here and this was the site of the Starnes' trapline.

Although the work was hard and plentiful, Marien loved it. She not only helped Jesse operate the trapline but also picked fruit and gardened. There was also meat to dry and a cow to milk. Their sons', Arley and Alvin, correspondence courses were also supervised by Marien.

During the Great Depression, with the low price of furs and poor farm yield, the Starnes' began gold-panning to supplement their income. They finally settled in Taylor where Marien was involved with civic affairs and Girl Guides. Both continued to gold-pan, winning the Panathon in 1972.

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This page created 18/07/96