
Each section describes a topic or aspect of Nova Scotia's natural environment.

Each link below takes you to a summary of a section from the Natural History of Nova Scotia. If you want to view the entire section, including illustrations, tables and photos, click the PDF icon at the bottom of the summary to download the file. Don't understand PDF? Need the free Adobe Acrobat PDF reader? Try help.

T1Canadian Setting
T2.1Introduction to the Geological History of Nova Scotia
T2.2The Avalon and Meguma Zones
T2.3Granite in Nova Scotia
T2.4The Carboniferous Basin
T2.5The Nova Scotian Desert
T2.6The Triassic Basalts and Continental Rifting
T2.7Offshore Geology
T3Landscape Development
T3.1Development of the Ancient Landscape
T3.2Ancient Drainage Patterns
T3.3Glaciation, Deglaciation and Sea-level Changes
T3.4Terrestrial Glacial Deposits and Landscape Features
T3.5Offshore Bottom Characteristics
T4.1Post-glacial Climatic Change
T4.2Post-glacial Colonization by Plants
T4.3Post-glacial Colonization by Animals
T5.1The Dynamics of Nova Scotia's Climate
T5.2Nova Scotia's Climate
T6The Ocean
T6.1Ocean Currents
T6.2Oceanic Environments
T6.3Coastal Aquatic Environments
T7The Coast
T7.1Modifying Forces
T7.2Coastal Environments
T7.3Coastal Landforms
T8Fresh Water
T8.1Freshwater Hydrology
T8.2Freshwater Environments
T8.3Freshwater Wetlands
T9.1Soil-forming Factors
T9.2Soil Classification
T9.3Biological Environment
T10.1Vegetation Change
T10.2Successional Trends in Vegetation
T10.3Vegetation and the Environment
T10.4Plant Communities in Nova Scotia
T10.5Seed-bearing Plants
T10.7Pteridophytes (Ferns and Their Allies
T10.8Bryophytes (Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts)
T10.12Rare and Endangered Plants
T11.1Factors Influencing Birds
T11.2Forest and Edge-habitat Birds
T11.3Open-habitat Birds
T11.4Birds of Prey
T11.5Freshwater Wetland Birds and Waterfowl
T11.6Shorebirds and Other Birds of Coastal Wetlands
T11.7Seabirds and Birds of Marine Habitats
T11.8Land Mammals
T11.11Small Mammals
T11.12Marine Mammals
T11.13Freshwater Fishes
T11.14Marine Fishes
T11.15Amphibians and Reptiles
T11.16Land and Freshwater Invertebrates
T11.17Marine Invertebrates
T11.18Rare and Endangered Animals
T12Cultural Environments
T12.1Colonization by People
T12.2Cultural Landscapes
T12.3Geology and Resources
T12.4Glacial Deposits and Resources
T12.5Climate and Resources
T12.6The Ocean and Resources
T12.7The Coast and Resources
T12.8Fresh Water and Resources
T12.9Soil and Resources
T12.10Plants and Resources
T12.11Animals and Resources
T12.12Recreational Resources
T12.13Scenic Quality
List of Figures
List of Plates
List of Tables

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