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Local Authors Book Review

An Annotated Bibliography of
ESL/LINC Software Resources and
Web Sites
Adult ESL/LINC Department of the Ottawa Board of Education, 1997
Reviewer. Joan Savoie
Carleton Roman Catholic School Board

You are told you must start using computers in your ESL class. You panic because you have no idea where to start, what to do or even what software is available for you. Does this sound familiar? Well, now there is a book that will help you with all your questions. This book is the Annotated Bibliography of ESL/LINC Software Resources and Web Sites and it is a must for all ESL/LINC programs.
         Divided into three sections that are indexed at the front of the book, Ale Annotated Bibliography is easy to read and understand.
         Section one is an introductory guide to technology planning that covers how to review educational software for use in the classroom as well as providing you with a checklist that will help integrate technology into your classroom. The checklist covers the following: areas of study, skills you will need and computer training you might consider to help you meet your objectives. This section also gives you ideas on how to choose software that will help you meet your goals as well as a section on how to plan your hardware and software requirements . At the end of section one there is a glossary that includes an extensive coverage of general computer, Internet, word processing, software and desktop publishing terms.
         Section two is the best and most comprehensive review of software resources and Web sites that I know of. Each product reviewed has been rated according to the Canadian Language Benchmark evaluation system. All software has been tried and tested and then evaluated in all areas that would be of concern to teachers. Each resource review has a review sheet that covers the following items:

  • Product name, Product type, Description, Review,
  • Canadian Language Benchmark rating (Skill area, Benchmark),
  • Features (Pre tests, Post tests, Tracks
    progress, Keeps student reports, Authoring),
  • Content (Canadian, General),
  • User level (Student, Teacher),
  • Computer equipment specifications (IBM, MAC),
  • Format (Floppy disk, CD-ROM, Print, Web Site or WWW, Downloadable File),
  • Software Category (Drill & Practice, Reference, Simulation, Skill Builder, Tutorial, Authoring Tool, Game, other),
  • Product type (Print material, Internet site, software),
  • Cost (Freeware, Shareware,
  • Ordering Information: If the product can be order all the ordering information is included with cost, address, phone and email address. At the bottom is an attention note that informs you about volume pricing and education pricing.

         The resources reviewed are placed in alphabetical and numerical order that allows for easy search and retrieval. At the back of the book the resources have been sub-divided into categories according to the Canadian Benchmark rating system. If you are looking for software that covers listening/speaking you have an alphabetized list with the numbers of all products that are recommended for that particular benchmark category. All resources have been subdivided into: Internet sites, software, print materials, listening/speaking, reading, writing, literacy reading, literacy writing and literacy math.
         This resource cost $35.00 for the print copy or $20.00 for a disk version but if you want both you can get them for the discounted price of $50.00. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is using the computer with ESL/LINC students or who want to start a computer program.


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