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Annotated Bibliography of Software Resources and Web Sites

© 1998 Ottawa Carleton District School Board. All rights reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board


We would like to thank the following individuals, organizations and companies for their contribution to the Annotated Bibliography of Software Resources and Web Sites.

For advice, reviews and background information…

Alpha Ontario

Tom Ciancone - Toronto Board of Education

Diane McCargar - The Learning Centre, Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Charles Ramsey - Executive Director, National Adult Literacy Database (NALD)

Lucy Scanlon - Metropolitan Toronto Association for Community Living

For donating or lending software for review purposes…

4:20 Communications Hoffman Interactive
American Language Academy Language Publications Interactive
Autoskills International LD Resources
Bytes of Learning Libra Multimedia
Camperdown Adult Learning Lab Lingua Systems
(CALL) Magic Lantern Communications
CCT Software Plus Multimedia Learning Systems
Clarity Language Consultants NAS Educational Software, Ltd.
Courseware Publishing International Nectar Foundation
Davidson and Associates Ottawa Carleton Media Centre
Didatech Software Pierian Springs Software
Discovery Systems International Protea Textware
Discus Knowledge Research Queue, Incorporated
DyNed International Sixth Floor Media
Educational Computer Resources Speakware
EduCorp Syracuse Language Systems
Edutainment Software The Hyperglot Software Company
English Computerized Learning The Daedalus Group, Inc.
Fairfield Language Technologies The Learning Company
Fischer-Marriott Software Trinity Software, Inc.
Ford Language Institute Wida Software
Forest Technologies The McGraw-Hill Company
Heinle & Heinle


About This Project 1

How to Use this Guide 5

Understanding the Annotated Bibliography Records 8

Section 1: Introductory Guide to Technology Planning 19

Misconceptions and Fantasies About the Use of Computers 21

Effective Management of Computer Resources 29

Program Features to Consider When Reviewing Software 31

Technology Planning Needs Analysis 33

Guidelines for Purchasing Hardware and Software 41

Computer System Requirements 45

Web Site Resources:

Purchasing Computer Hardware and Software 46

Buying a Computer to use with the Internet 47

Glossary of Computer Terms 49

General Computer Terms 49

Internet Terms 61

Word Processing Terms 66

Common Educational Software Categories 68

Desktop Publishing Terms 70

Section 2: Annotated Bibliography of Computer Resources 75

Software Resources

World Wide Web Sites

References: Journals, Handbooks, Manuals, World Wide Web sites

Section 3: Index of Computer Resources

About the Project

The Annotated Bibliography of Computer Resources for ESL and LINC Programs was completed by the Ottawa Board of Education. It was sponsored by the Ontario Region LINC Advisory Committee (ORLAC), which is funded by the Immigration Settlement Directorate, Citizenship and Immigration. The final publication is now available in three forms: a print version, a Filemaker Pro 3.0 database version, and on-line through the World Wide Web. It is currently being distributed to LINC programs throughout Ontario, and is available to ESL and LINC programs throughout Canada.

The Proposal

Our objective was to compile an annotated bibliography of software resources and Web sites that are useful for teaching in LINC and ESL programs, as well as reference material that supports the use of technology in LINC and ESL programs. These products were rated according to the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) standards. [Note: All products reviewed directly by the project team were considered for CLB rating. Products which were not rated include application programs such as word processors or keyboarding programs which can be used at all levels, products which have authoring features which allow the teacher to input material suitable for any level, and products used to create materials appropriate for any level such as word searches and crossword puzzles. Reviews which were submitted by partnering organizations such as Alpha Ontario were included, but not rated according to the CLB standards, as they were not always available to the project team to review.] The document also includes an introductory guide to technology planning, an extensive glossary of computer-related terms and an index of Resources.

Principal Areas for Evaluation


Relevance to adults, appropriateness and frequency of exercises, clarity and readability, value of student feedback, final evaluation of student performance.


Effective organization, adequate instructions and examples, helpful visual clues for important concepts, suitability for different levels, appropriateness of multi-media enhancements, assessment features such as pre and post tests and tracking of student progress.

Operation and design

Ease of use on screen, ease of use with mouse, aesthetic appeal to learner, appropriateness of text, reading level/density on the screen, tracking student progress, minimum reading level, availability and effectiveness of multimedia content.

The Project Team

The project team included practitioners with extensive experience in the planning and delivery of ESL and LINC programs, including: ESL and LINC computer instructors, ESL and LINC classroom instructors, a certified Canadian Language Benchmark Assessor, as well as a technical consultant. ESL and LINC learners were also involved extensively throughout the project for review purposes.

Project Management & Coordination

  • Joyce White Project Manager

  • Pauline McNaughton Project Coordinator, Project Writer

Technical Review

  • Connie Bélanger Software Review Coordinator, Software Reviewer, Project Writer and Editor, ESL, LINC Computer Instructor

  • Jim Edgar Software Reviewer, CLB Rating, Project Writer, Internet Reference Searcher, ESL, LINC Computer Instructor

  • Kevin O'Brien Database development, Software Reviewer, Internet Reference Searcher, ESL, LINC Computer Instructor

  • Peter Wilson Web Site Development, Web Site Review Coordinator, Web Site Reviewer, Software Reviewer, ESL, LINC Computer Instructor

  • Jason Zhang Technical Consultant for Database Design and Development, Quality Assurance Specialist, Corel Corporation

Canadian Language Benchmark Rating and Review

  • Pat Meek CLB rating and review, ESL Assessor

  • Julie Newlands Teacher, Learner Review Coordinator, LINC instructor

  • Mae Saadeh, Mohammed Suleiman Assessors at the Family Welcome Centre, responsible for developing the guidelines for multicultural and diversity product review

Project Reference and Support

  • Cathy Stein Advisor, LINC Programs

  • Mariana Hammoud, Lee Sweet Administrative Assistants

The Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee was made up of representatives from various LINC and ESL related programs and services across Ontario:

Kathy Armstrong LINC Instructor Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Krystyna Bielanska Multicultural Counselor Ottawa-Carleton Immigration Service Organization

Bruce Buie Software Librarian, Ottawa Board of Education and Ottawa-Carleton Educational Media Centre

Laraine Kaminsky President, Malkam Consultants Ltd. Member, Ontario Region LINC Advisory Committee

Mike Kelly Consultant Ontario Literacy Communications Network

Peggy Kinsey Adult ESL Supervisor Etobicoke Board of Education, Mimico Adult Centre

Pauline McNaughton Project Coordinator Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Shelagh Ord Executive Director Ottawa-Carleton Language Assessment and Reference Centre

Joyce White Program Manager ESL/LINC/ABE, Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Sue Young, Joanne Labelle Alpha Ontario

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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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