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These are the minimum system requirements for most new software for IBM or Macintosh computers. Always check requirements before purchasing new software. The packaging will indicate the operating system (some will work on both systems) and whether the program is on CD-ROM or diskette. Always ask about return policies.

Requirements - IBM/Compatible Computers

Windows 95 or Windows 98

Pentium 200+

32 MB of RAM (64 MB recommended)

640X480 resolution monitor with 256 colours

30 speed CD-ROM

Windows compatible mouse

Sound card and speakers

(Headphones and microphone optional)

Requirements - Macintosh Computers

System 7.x or later (recommend System 7.5)

68040 33 MHz processor

8 MB of RAM

640 X 480 resolution monitor with 256 colours

Double speed CD-ROM


(Headphones optional)

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Last updated: November 12, 1998
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