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To Salmon Main Glossary • contains definitions of words that have been highlighted throughout the site. Can be accessed off the main page or areas with highlighted words.

Bibliography • contains the bibliographical information of the sources used on this site, as well as some additional resource material.

Creekside News

Habitat • Different aspects of Salmon habitat. • Conservation information as per the writings of Roderick Haig-Brown. Includes small tour of Haig-Brown property. • Brief history of conservation.
Technology • Historic and contemporary fishing techniques.
• Fish processing techniques.
Collection • Photograph and Artifact collections from a variety of museums/institutions:
• Royal BC Museum • Campbell River Museum • Kwagiulth Museum • Haig-Brown House • Haig-Brown Fishing Flies • Mary Randlett.
Activities • Classroom activities for the use of teachers and students.
• Learning Outcomes also included.
Team • Team brief biographies and photographs.
• List of Partners/Organizations involved with this project.
Creekside News • Daily (and now archived) Web Magazine that documents the restoration of coho producing creek: Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek, in Campbell River, B.C.

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