Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Restoration Project - Creekside News Logo
July 20, 1998

Issue Ten
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Salmon Main
Come See for Yourself

If you live in the Campbell River area or plan on visiting it this summer, you will have an opportunity to see what all the commotion is about. The Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek is going to be on showcase over the next few months to all those who want to learn more about the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Greenway park, the Haig-Brown heritage site, and of course this summer’s restoration project.

Tours will be hosted by Darci Roy, the UBC student who was recently hired by the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society. She will be using her knowledge in natural resource conservation to provide interpretive explanations of the areas. Although the tours will be geared towards individual groups, common themes will also be included. For instance, identification of the area’s native vegetation, some history into phase 1 of the restoration project, and possibly touring areas of the creek that are under construction, may be included. Most importantly these tours are designed to get people out there to appreciate the incredible beauty the lands have to offer.

Darci Roy
Darci Roy will be showing all the beauty
of Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek
during the summer months.

Currently, there are four tours scheduled each week. Two will be given on Friday, and two more on Saturday, with one of the four being designed for younger children. If however there is enough demand, additional tours can be scheduled for other times throughout the week. The cost is free, however the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society is a non-profit society and always welcomes donations.

For more information on these tours or any other information related to the restoration project, do not hesitate to contact the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society’s main office at (250) 830-0095.

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