Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Restoration Project Logo Archives logo


By Date.
By Subject.

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Issues and Articles
Organized Chronologically
Issue One - June 26, 1998 Page One Page Two Page Three
Issue Two - June 30, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Three - July 3, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Four - July 6, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Five - July 8, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Six - July 10, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Seven - July 14, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Eight - July 15, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Nine - July 17, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Ten - July 20, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Eleven - July 22, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twelve - July 24, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Thirteen - July 27, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Fourteen - July 28, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Fifteen - July 29, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Sixteen - July 30, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Seventeen - July 31, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Eighteen - August 4, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Nineteen - August 5, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twenty - August 6, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twenty-one - August 7, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twenty-two - August 10, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twenty-three - August 11, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twenty-four - August 12, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twenty-five - August 13, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twenty-six - August 14, 1988 Page One
Issue Twenty-seven - August 17, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Twenty-eight - August 19, 1998 Page One
Issue Twenty-nine - August 20, 1998 Page One Page Two
Issue Thirty - August 31, 1998 Page One
Issue Thirty-one - September 2, 1998 Page One
Issue Thirty-two - September 4, 1998 Page One
Top of page.

Issues and Articles
Organized by Subject
Introduction Background and description Partners
Ken Enns Haig-Brown Legacy Campbelton Elementary
Past Restoration Efforts Project Administrative Tasks Creek Map
Establishing Greenways Re-vegetation Techniques Sedimentation
Water divertion Volunteers Planning
for the Dig
Stream Stewardship Haig-Brown on Classroom Stewardship Property Tours
Webzine progress Project
Contributors 1
Van & Maxine Egan
Water Nutrification Sod Busting Channel Clearing
Project Participants Haig-Brown
Heritage Properties
Start of Excavation
Completed Berm First On Site Visit North Island Fisheries Initiative (NIFI)
Ken Enns Benefits of
Wetland Access
Pools Kevin Brown Monitoring Water Quality
Dave Hadden Moving Downstream Joyce Pielou
Insects Jeff Mason Tracking Wildlife
Boulders and Stream Complexing Building Weirs Excavating Lasers
Marcy Prior Earlier Creek Restoration Efforts Connecting the Sections
Mike Roth Securing LWD Moving Upstream
Project Publicity Late August Progress Hydro-seed
Final issue   
Top of page.

The Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society is solely responsible for the content of the Creekside News. The Society is grateful for the support of the SchoolNet Digital Collections Program for the production of this website. Any inquiries or criticisms of the content should be directed to the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society, at Campbell River, BC.