Profiles on
Parade: Mike Roth
By Damien Barstead
The following profile on Mike Roth is the final Profile on Parade that will be written in this
phase of the restoration project. The Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society's Implementation
Committee, along with two intrinsic staff members, have been the only subjects of this Profiles
section. Although they are important, there are many more people who have contributed
incredible amounts of time and effort over the years, and who deserve recognition. This may
come about in later editions of the Creekside News, but for now we can only appreciate the
effort that they have put in...
Chances are, one's first impression after meeting Mike Roth would be that of a large
strong man with a personality to match. His humour seems to bring light to any conversation,
partially explaining the apparent comfort and ease that he displays in most circumstances. This
charm, along with his environmental impact assessment background, has allowed him to acquire
valuable experience in his field.
He is currently coordinating educational programs for the Discovery Coast Greenways Land
Trust, a project that involves countless agencies and organizations. His realistic attitude, and
ability to keep issues in perspective, are two traits which are essential when organizing for the
large numbers of stakeholders who are bound to be involved in any such project.
Mike Roth
Involved with the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society since 1996, Mike brings a broad
perspective to the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Board of Directors and Implementation
Committee. With his past experience with other large projects, his strong business sense, and his
political and public relations skills, Mike's valuable insight and communication skills have many
practical applications in the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Restoration Project.
With his commitment to the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society’s Board of
Directors, and Implementation Committee, Mike Roth has already used his skills to keep the
Board on track and working together to help the restoration project progress to its current
Undoubtedly, Mike will continue his involvement with the Haig-Brown Kingfisher
Creek Society. Thus continuing his dealings with funding agencies, the government, and various
public groups, as well as providing technical and ecological support whenever possible. These
relations with the Society, along with his vision to see the success of the entire watershed
brought about, is a positive contribution to the progress and energy of the Haig-Brown
Kingfisher Creek Restoration Project.
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