In early 1996, Ken Enns, the co-owner of a local sporting goods store and a life-long Campbell River resident, rekindled some much needed energy towards restoring Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek. Getting all interested stakeholders together and calling a community meeting, Ken managed to re-focus concern on the plight of the creek. This meeting, called in the face of approaching highway and urban development, spurred extensive efforts by many people and agencies to make progress on the creek restoration project.
Red tape, logistics, and details have been continually hammered out over the past few years, mostly through a long series of meetings involving the "Ad Hoc committee for Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek/Sequoia Springs West Greenway Proposals."
With a strong commitment to being included in the Campbell River Greenways network, this committee has struggled with issues such as land acquisition, co-operative and unco-operative land owners, ongoing urban development, and the bisection of the watershed by the new Inland Island Highway. These issues are ongoing and will undoubtably be recurring themes throughout future issues of the Creekside News.
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