Pioneering Among Luxuries
Settlement progresses so rapidly that pioneering is shorn of its desolation. It is no uncommon event to find a whole township or an entire district taken up in a single summer. The pioneer will always have neighbors in his new Alberta home. Roads and schools follow in due course. Recent legislation has established a system of local government, which afford all the machinery necessary to a local community to carry out public improvements. Commercial life develops very rapidly. The settlement of a district is invariably followed by the extension of the telephone and the railway. Raw homesteads in a year or two become profitable farms. Towns spring up along the railway as if be magic, and the erstwhile wilderness is transformed into a populous and prosperous community.
The CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY is pushing a number of lines to completion through the very choicest agricultural area of Alberta. Get a homestead along the new lines. You will get a better selection. Conveniences and shipping facilities are as many as in the older settlements.
[next: Homesteading &