
Letter #1
Letter #2
Letter #3
Letter #4
Letter #5
Letter #6
Letter #7
Letter #8

Peter to Caroline- Oct. 8, 1892

BC Archives MS02894 Box 22 File 11
[No. 9]

Soda Creek
Saturday 8th Oct. 1892

My dearest wife

I telegraphed you from Quesnelle on Thursday night immediately after my arrival & glad and thankful I was to be able to say all was well: it was a very great pleasure to receive your letters with enclosures & and to learn that you, and all our dear ones were well, though I am grieved to know that you had been such a sufferer, God grant that you are quite yourself again, and that we may meet in health and happiness.
I will first explain how the letters remained so long unanswered. In my letter of 16th Sept. N. 8. I told you that the mail was then overdue, I delayed as long as I could, but finally was compelled to leave without hearing from you, consequently I did not receive my letters till the 4th inst. when at Ft. George, the day but one, before my arrival in Quesnelle. From the 16th Sep when I sent my mail by the packer, there was not a chance to send a line. Now you have in short, sufficient account for my long silence.
Now for the subject that has not been absent for a moment from my mind since I received your, Mr Stanhope, and our darling girl's letters. It is very hard that I should have been absent, if I could have been of assistance & I regret it deeply of course I cannot blame Kitty[Kathleen], I think I know her too well. This whole thing is a surprise to me. I am bewildered & and am not capable with my present information of forming an opinion.
His letter contains what appears to be an honest & honourable declaration of his feelings, but in other respects they are not quite satisfactory, besides we know next to nothing about him and on the whole, as I understand the positions, neither are absolutely bound by what has taken place and I am glad of it - above all it will give our dear one, time to ascertain & fully make up her mind, & he can find out what arrangements he can make at home.
You have not sent me all his letters and they might have assisted me to form an opinion, but as so long a time lapsed, I have decided not to reply to his letters until I have talked the matter over with you, & Kit, in the meantime he may have found out that he is not in the position he supposed he was.
I never felt more disposed to procrastinate. I fear to say anything that would tend to a separation from our darling. It is better that I should not now reply to his letters - even if I had the time, for I am doing all in my power to get home as quickly as possible.
Tomorrow I start for Chilcoltin I cannot calculate on getting back here under a week, & if so I shall not reach Victoria before 22nd or 23rd Saturday, or Sunday night (this day fortnight) I shall be very sorry not to be at home to welcome Sir Michael. I have received two letters from him in both of which he names the 20th as the time I will arrive in Victoria. Do all you can to make him comfortable at home. I will write him a line to wait his arrival at Ashcroft Hotel.
I am disappointed about Jack. I won't believe that he could not have passed the Exam, if he had of exerted himself. Mr. Barbers paper that you spoke of was not enclosed.
Frank will, I fancy, get home about the time I do. I told him to prepare for a wet season, which I felt sure he would have.
I am longing to be with you all I think I am acquiring the habit of doing without sleep.

Sunday 9th Oct.

Last night who should arrive here but Drummond & Alice. He has to attend a county court tomorrow, Beaumomt has also to be in attendance, & and their place is deserted for the present, besides there is difficulty about getting a conveyance. I have therefore decided to give up my proposed trip to Chilcoltin, and have telegraphed for a trap to take me to Ashcroft therefore if there is no unseen delay I should be with you on Saturday next 15th inst. You may be sure I don't object to this change of programe.
There is no use in my now referring to other subjects about which we shall [?] so soon have an opportunity to talk to You ought to get this Wednesday & I hope to be with you on Saturday. I will telegraph
     Love to you all
       Your devoted loving husband
I fear I may miss the mail.


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