Manufacturer: Wm. Fairbairns:

Fairbairns, William is associated with three partnerships that are all located in Hanley, Staffordshire.

Mark: WM. Fairbairns, A printed gartertype mark with crown above occurs with the name 'WM. Fairbairns'

Thomas Cooper, Shelton (Hanley) Staffordshire Potteries 1863-65. Upon Thomas Coopers death, William Fairbairns, Edwin Clarke, John Higginbottom, and John Cartlidge were the executors and trustees, who continued the firm, until this partnership was dissolved on December 16, 1865.

Ambrose Bevington (& Co.) Hanley, Staffordshire Potteries 1871-91. During the 1880-91 period, the trade name was Ambrose Bevington and Co.. At the time of the Dissolution of Partnership on December 31, 1891, William Fairbairns was Ambrose Bevington's partner. At that time, both these potter's were also concerned with the Hanley Porcelain Company.

Hanley Porcelain Co., Hanley, Staffordshire Potteries 1891-98. This company of Burton Place, Hanley, succeeded Thomas Bevington. However, Ambrose Bevington and William Henry Fairbairns were also involved until the Dissolution of Partnership on December 31, 1891.


Items in collection of Point Ellice House:

Object Name: Set, Platter (picture above)Accession Number: 1975.0001.0381 A-D

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