Teachers' Corner
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Lesson 1: Families

The teacher reads the O'Reilly family story to the class. Students answer direct questions orally about the story and particularly about the family.

Prescribed Learning Outcomes

Applications of Social Studies

It is expected that students will:

  • Draw simple interpretations from personal experiences, oral sources, and visual representations

Society and Culture

It is expected that students will:

  • Describe some of the purposes of families

Organization & Scheduling

Suggested time: 20-30 minutes

Materials & Resources

Suggested Procedure

1. Read the story about Point Ellice House and Kathleen.

2. Talk about the characters in the story and their roles. A list of possible questions to ask is attached.

Possible Assessment

You should be looking for intelligent responses to your questions. One possible way to keep track of this is to have a class list on hand. Every time a student has an answer you consider 'insightful,' put a check mark beside that student's name (remember to record the lesson at the top so that you don't forget what the check marks are for at report card time).


For students with exceptional discussion skills, or to modify the lesson to an older grade, follow up the story with a writing activity. Have the students write a short journal entry from the character's point of view.


Have the students go online and read the Tour of Point Ellice House together or print it off and read it to the class.

Read stories about other immigrants to Canada (possibly from other cultures) such as Emily Carr or the Gold Rush . Compare that story with the O'Reilly Family Story.

Extend this story into other learning centres such as:

Create a painting about the story

Dramatizing the story (or taking the characters and creating another scenario)

Writing from a character's point of view

Possible Questions (For the Teacher)

  • What did Kathleen's dad do for work? Did he help with the cooking and cleaning? Why?
  • Who raised the children?
  • When Kathleen was older what kinds of things was she expected to do?
  • Why do you think Kathleen lived at the house her whole life but her brother's didn't?
  • What character do you like the best? Why?
  • Would you have liked to live in the same time period that Kathleen lived? Why or why not?

Click here to download a printable version of this lesson.

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Content developed by: Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia