Young Kitty, I mean Miss Kathleen O'Reilly, had to write to her father and tell him about Mr. Stanhope. Oh yes, Kathleen's bedroom is directly behind us. Let's walk over and look in.

Kathleen's Letter:
"My darling father,
I do not know if you have answered Mr. Stanhope's letter to you, or what you may have said. I did not actually promise to marry him, but when I knew that he wanted it to be so I ought not to have let him think that I really liked him unless I was quite, quite decided. I did not want to be married, I love being here with you all, and I don't believe any one has ever had a happier house and life than I have. I was so frightened of being bound to him as I seemed to know so little of him and it would be awful if in learning to know him, I liked him less, instead of better."

MAID: Well that was that. After a few weeks everyone including Mr. Stanhope knew there could be no wedding. I think he was most surprised and saddened by the refusal.

Henry Stanhope's Letter:
"Dear Mrs. O'Reilly,
I hope I shall hear from Mr. O'Reilly soon. In the letter I wrote him from Banff I told him I was quite satisfied about his daughter's affection for me. I'm afraid I was rather counting my chickens before hatched. You told me in your letter that Kitty feels frightened of being bound to me as she knows so little of me. I want her to clearly understand that I do not ask her to consider herself bound to me in any way. I have no right to ask it from her (much as I wish it were possible for me to make it so) I hope you are all well, and I wish the train would take me to Point Ellice tomorrow instead of Scotland."

MAID: It was over. Sadly, I think she really does love Mr Stanhope; and he most certainly loved her. It's been quite a while since he left now, and she gives no sign of wishing to marry another. Some even whisper that she'll never marry, and live out her entire life right here. Hmm. Every time I look around this room, I wonder if perhaps Kathleen hasn't chosen Point Ellice House as her dear life companion.

Right now, she's over visiting Jessie Dunsmuir at Craigdarroch Castle, sketching most likely. She's a most talented young lady. These are her paintings, you know. Oh, she loves music too! And lately, she's taken to gardening. That's Kitty's dress. And to the left on the sofa is her rouge opera cloak - oh and on the floor by the bed are her shoes - she certainly loves her fine clothes!

HOUSEBOY: Enough of this! We are servants, none of this need concern us!

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Last Updated: 26 August, 1996
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Content Provided by: B.C. Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia