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Ukrainian Canadians Today

Today in Canada over 500,000 people consider themselves Ukrainian Canadians.
The majority are the second, third and fourth generation. Ukrainian Canadians believe in the importance of celebrating their Ukrainian heritage and ensuring that the next generation is aware of and carries on cultural traditions. In towns and cities across Canada you will find Ukrainian museums, libraries and archives.

The National Archives of Canada also holds information on the lives and contributions made by many Ukrainian Canadians as well as the historical development of their communities.

Across Canada many Ukrainian organizations, community, political and cultural, work hard to continue traditions.

Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Some of these include the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Ukrainian Canadian Business and Professional Association, The Shevchenko Society. As a result of the work of the Ukrainian community in concert with these organizations, Canada was one of the first countries in the world to recognize Ukraine as an independent nation in 1991.

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