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Inside the Human Body - The Respiratory System

Lung Health & Wellness

Lung Health & Wellness

Our lungs are amazing machines that can supply large amounts of oxygen to our blood. Sometimes the lungs don't work as well as they should. This can be because of a disease, allergies, or simply a cold or the flu.

Diseases A-Z For information on other lung diseases, including: croup, histoplasmosis, pleurisy, sarcoidosis plus many others.

Fill the HolesWhat can you do to avoid getting Emphysema?

Lung Blox If you don't take good care or your lungs, the consequences can 'pile up'. Have some fun making sure they don't pile up too high in Lung Blox.

Lung Words Personified If a disease could walk around like a person, do you think you could spot them? Lets find out!

Canada's Digital Collections Watermark This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada. The web site was produced by a youth team at the Saskatchewan Lung Association.