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Few personal items were found on the Machault. Most of these items would have been removed by the soldiers when they abandoned the ship.

Below some of the items that were found:
a fine comb

  • fine-toothed double-edged combs for removing lice
  • a barber's basin with a wide brim and a semi-circular opening that tucked under the shavers chin
  • several boxwood sprinklers, probably stoppers for bottles of cologne or other toilet requisites

Unique finds among the wreckage were small metal tobacco boxes, popular in the 18th century when smoking had become a common habit. Covered with engravings and Biblical quotes written in Dutch, this tobacco box originated in the Netherlands as did many others.

picture of a 			tobacco box
Small metal tobacco box bearing a cryptic message translated as: "I will hold fast to my resolution to stop indulging in sweets, if not today...tomorrow."

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