Where Time and Light Stand Still

Kazan and Thelon Rivers (NWT)

The Kazan and Thelon sweep majestically out of spruce-lined valleys, winding across the barrens through vast shimmering lakes set like mirrors in the treeless tundra, finally emptying into Baker Lake. For the Inuit of the village named for the lake, these rivers remain a vital source of caribou, fish and spiritual renewal. Remains of Inuit campsites are found all along these rivers, testimony of a time not so long ago when these were the homelands of the nomadic Caribou Inuit. Paddle through a land of staring muskox, white wolves, soaring gyrfalcons and wandering grizzly bears, a land where vast herds of caribou - hundreds of thousands strong - still migrate to ancient rhythms. The Kazan and Thelon - rivers primeval.
Kazan Fact Sheet Thelon Fact Sheet