that remains: A figurehead from an unknown shipwreck, found
in the sand of Sable Island (Actual size: 1.5 metres)
Sable Island-A Story of Survival began with several decades
of research and collecting by the Natural History Section of the
Nova Scotia Museum and the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Dozens
of staff then worked to transform these museum resources into
a travelling exhibit in the early 1990's. This website was created
in the year 2000.
Major funding was provided
by the Museums Assistance Programme of Communications Canada.
Special thanks go to
Zoe Lucas, who took many of the Sable photographs (particularly
horses); reproduced here with permission.
Many people and institutions freely offered their ideas, images,
anecdotes and objects:
Army Museum, Halifax
Atlantic Geoscience Centre,
Energy, Mines and Resources Canada
Atmospheric Environment Service
Brian Beck
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Bob Brooks
Canadian Coast Guard, Dartmouth, N.S.
Cape Sable Historical Society, Yarmouth, N.S.
David Carter
Barbara Christie
James Cottenden
Sherod Crowell
Dalhousie University Archives
Dalhousie University Department of Geology
Martha Devanney
Gilles Deveau
Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, Lunenburg, N. S.
Lorn Fraser
Liz Johnson
Anthony R. Lock
Stephen MacKay
Carleton MacLean
Arthur W. Mansfield
Marine Fish Division, Fisheries
and Oceans Canada
The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia
Maritime History Archives, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ian McLaren
Jim McMillan
National Archives of Canada
National Parks Service, U.S.A., Sandy Hook Unit
New Brunswick Museum
Lewis Parker
Parks Canada
William Parsons
Judson Porter
Teena Porter
Public Archives of Nova Scotia
Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Wayne Stobo
John Stone
MaryeAnn Thompson
Leslie Wade
Joan Waldron
John Weir
Estate of Dr. Westein
Yarmouth County Museum, N.S.
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