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Alone in the Atlantic: Getting to Sable

By air

Over 300 species of birds have been sighted on Sable, but only 12 kinds breed there regularly. Semi-palmated Plovers are plentiful during spring and fall migrations. A few pairs stop to breed on the island.

Semi-palmated Plover
Charadrius semipalmatus

Lasiurus borealis

This migrating bat stopped to rest on its way to Central America, but the species cannot live on Sable. Red Bats roost only in trees, and there are no trees on Sable Island. Many migrating birds and insects rest on Sable but do not become residents.

Canada thistleYou have probably seen seeds like parachutes, blowing in the wind. This adaptation for seed dispersal is so effective that some mainland plants like this thistle have blown to Sable. New seeds wafting in keep them from becoming isolated.

Canada thistle
Cirsium arvense





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An Island of Sand
Surviving Sand and Wind
Free as the Wind
Alone in the Atlantic
Getting to Sable
Becoming Unique in Isolation

Canada's Digital Collections
Contracting Partners:
The Sable Island Preservation Trust
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History