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Alone in the Atlantic: Becoming unique in isolation


Isolated by behaviour

An animal's reproductive behaviour can isolate it just as effectively as physical barriers. Animal populations that develop different courtship patterns, breeding times or breeding places Nestmay also become cut off from others of their kind.

Water is no barrier to the Ipswich Sparrow, which spends summers on Sable and winters in New England. But Ipswich Sparrows breed only on Sable Island, and have become different from their parent stock, the Savannah Sparrow.


Ipswich sparrow


What differences can you see?


Savannah sparrow

Ipswich Sparrow
Passerculus sandwichensis princeps

  Savannah Sparrow
Passerculus sandwichensis sandwichensis

Compare the size, tail length, overall colour, and the yellow patch in front of the eye.

Harbour seal
Many small populations of Harbour Seals live along the North Atlantic coast. Sable's Harbour Seals have a strong tendency to return to the island to breed, instead of mixing with other Harbour Seals.


Seal skull
Seal skull
Harbour Seal -Anticosti Island
Harbour Seal - Sable Island
Phoca vitulina

Seal teeth
Harbour Seal - Anticosti Island
Seal teeth
Harbour Seal - Sable Island


Some features that are not common among Harbour Seals are becoming unusually frequent in Sable's population. For example, count the molar teeth on the seal skulls; most Harbour seals have 5.





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An Island of Sand
Surviving Sand and Wind
Free as the Wind
Alone in the Atlantic
Getting to Sable
Becoming Unique in Isolation

Canada's Digital Collections
Contracting Partners:
The Sable Island Preservation Trust
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History