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Alone in the Atlantic: Hunting

Seals: a safe place to breed

Grey seal
Halichoerus grypus

Grey Seals breed in winter. Because of hunting pressure along the coast, Sable Island and the Gulf of St. Lawrence ice are the two most important major breeding grounds in eastern Canada.

Sable Island seal graph

Number of grey seals born on Sable Island

Even on Sable, seal hunting has a 300-year history. Hunting diminished during the last century and ended at least 30 years ago. Since then the population growth has been spectacular.

Pups nurse for about 2 weeks, then lie on the sand for up to 3 weeks before heading out to sea.

As soon as pups finish nursing, females are ready to breed. Older, bigger males mate most of the females.

Seal colony
A Grey Seal colony is a noisy place. Pups cry, mothers bark and males make all sorts of sounds, including an eerie yodel.




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Contracting Partners:
The Sable Island Preservation Trust
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History