Dene Naowere Ko
Hand Sewn Moccassins
Aboriginal people come to Deline for events of high importance in the Dene culture, including spiritual gatherings and traditional feasts. The traditional culture can be seen everywhere in Deline - traditional games, dances, seasonal events and a traditional dependence on hunting and fishing. Yet there also remain a subtle influence from the French explorers who came here to trade and to trap, and this French influence has seeped into some names and terms in the local language.
When Elders Speak
Going out on the Land
Deline Stories
Youth Space
Speaking Slavey
Let me show you Deline

Canada's Digital Collections

Crank IT Communications

Introduction Credits

Clint Baptiste

Clint Baptiste, Web Designer
Is a resident of Deline and is trained as a Network/Technical Support and Web Developer. Clint also runs and maintains the Community Access Program (CAP), which gives community members access to the internet. Also a team member of
Crank IT Communications.

Mary Kenny, Web Designer
Is a resident of Deline and is trained as a Network/Technical Support and Web Developer. Mary also runs and maintains the Community Access Program (CAP), which gives community members access to the internet. Also a team member of Crank IT Communications.

Mary Kenny

Rob Kershaw

Rob Kershaw, Project Advisor
Rob is a Graphic Designer and is the Project Leader for the Canada's Digital Collections Website "Dene Naowere Ko". Also a
team member of Crank IT Communications.

Buddy Kenny, Communications Trainee
Is a resident of Deline and works with Parks Canada as a communications trainee. Buddy contributed to this project with digitizing information/text/images and collecting photos for the website.

Buddy Kenny

This website was made possible through the wisdom and generosity of

Our Elders
Deline Dene Band
Deline Uranium Team
Deline Land Corporation

Students and teachers at ?ehtseo Ayha High School
Mackenzie Valley Viewer archives
Deborah Simmons

and special thank you to

Darrell Fraser, Webmaster, South Slave Research Centre

This digital collection was produced with the financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.