Current books which include St. Ann's Academy or the Sisters of St. Ann in Victoria

Adams, John. Historic Guide to Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. Canada. Sono Nis Press, Victoria, 1998.

Chaster, G.D., Ross, D.W. and Warren, W. H. Trees of Greater Victoria: A Heritage: A Field Guide to the Arboreal Riches of Greater Victoria. Heritage Tree Book Society, Victoria, 1988.

Down, Edith, S.S.A.. A Century of Service. The Sisters of Saint Ann, Victoria, 1966, reprint 1999.

Humphries, Danda. On the Streets Where You Live. Victoria, 1999.

First Nations Studies and the British Columbia education system

Haig-Brown Celia. Resistance and Renewal: Surviving the Indian Residential School. Tillacum Library, Arsenal Pulp Press Ltd., Vancouver, 1988.

Fournier, Suzanne and Crey,Ernie. Stolen From Our Embrace: The Abduction of First Nations Children and the Restoration of AboriginalCommunities. Douglas & McIntyre Ltd., Vancouver, 1997.

Context and General History

Akrigg, G.P.V. and Helen. British Columbia 1847-1871 Chronicle: Gold and Colonists. Discovery Press, Vancouver, 1977.

Cantwell, Sister Margaret, S.S.A.. North To Share: The Sisters of Saint Ann in Alaska and the Yukon Territory. Sisters of Saint Ann, Victoria, 1997.

Higgins, David Williams. Tales of a Pioneer Journalist. Heritage House Publishing Co., Surrey B.C., 1996.

Kalman, Harold. A History of Canadian Architecture Volumes I and II. Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1996.

Minnaker, Dennis. Of Summers Gone. Victoria, 1998.

Works Cited

Dickinson, Patricia, S.S.A. Reminiscences of St. Ann's. Sisters of St. Ann's, Victoria, 1973.

Down, Edith, S.S.A.. A Century of Service. The Sisters of Saint Ann, Victoria, 1966, reprint 1999.

Keshani, Hussein and Leece, Robert. various interviews: St. Ann's Stories Programme. conducted July-November, 1997, Victoria.

Provincial Capital Commission. St. Ann's Academy Grounds: 5 Year Plan. PCC, Victoria, May 1999.

Sisters of Saint Ann. The Necrology of the Sisters of Saint Anne: 1938-1943. Sisters of Saint Anne, Quebec, 1944.

Students of St. Ann's Academy. The Aquinian. St. Ann's Academy, Victoria. Published annually 1920s-1970s.

*Other documents cited, including letters and other primary sources are held by the Sisters of St. Ann Archives, Victoria, and may be found, listed by subject and referenced by title, in their collection.

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