Ed. & Influences

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Artistic Milieu

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Artistic Process

Artistic Process


Through her contact with the Group of Seven, Anne was eventually introduced to a west-coast landscape painter who was to become a legend of Canadian painting. Savage met Emily Carr for the first time over tea at Montreal's Windsor hotel one afternoon. The two artists talked until the early hours of the morning, discussing their shared love of painting, nature and the west-coast landscape

"She had so much to say and we had so much in common. I found that she was a remarkable person." A. S.

Loring & Jackson
F. Loring and A.Y. Jackson, 1952

Many of Anne Savage's contacts with the Canadian art milieu were made through Group of Seven member A.Y. Jackson. A Montreal painter who moved to Toronto, Jackson was the link between the artists working in the two cities, and he and Savage maintained a lifelong correspondence, sharing their discoveries.
