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  • a chance for teens from every socio-economic, racial, political, geographical, astrological, zoological and any other "als" to discuss in a non-political, non-judgemental forum.
  • a chance for youth to make their voices heard by government, schools and their communities. At the end of our six-day conferences, we present recommendations and action plans to the federal and provincial governments as well as to community leaders, business and media.
  • a chance for students to learn about the media, the Internet and the journalistic process. At each conference, Commissioners can come to the Media Room and write an article for their local paper, or tape a story for their local TV or Radio station.
  • a chance for delegates to work all year long towards improving our society through their schools and communities. Commissioners bring home the Conference report and work all year to implement their recommendations and action plans.
  • a chance for Canadian youth to get involved on the international scene. Commissioners have participated in the World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen, the World Summit on Women in Beijing, The UN 50 Conference in Toronto and The Global Youth Forum in San Francisco.


    Established in 1991, The Students Commission is a non-profit organization that brings together 200 youth, from across Canada, to discuss issues and write a National Report at an annual conference in the Ottawa region.

    In just under 5 years, The Students Commission has created a positive proactive forum for young people to direct and influence public policy, plus a program to assist them to take action on issues themselves. They have presented their National Reports to the Prime Minister, the Governor-General, Cabinet Ministers, Provincial Premiers and leaders of business, education, community and labour.

    The Students Commission provides a national policy forum and leadership training venue for all Canadian students. It is not a "leadership" program for elite students, but actively recruits among those youth not usually chosen for national conferences. The Commission starts from the premise that every student has ideas that can make a difference if they are given the framework and the tools.

    At the conference, considerable effort is spent on helping youth to practise the communication process: learning to listen and learning to understand another point of view. More time and effort is also spent by the youth delegates, recognizing the reality of language barriers and developing creative hands-on solutions to overcome them. Media training, report preparation and cultural workshops run by youth for youth are part of the conference, which is organized and executed by returning youth delegates from previous years.



    These high school students have published 15 major National Youth Reports, published an anti-racism guide, implemented hundreds of in-school programs, workshops, and youth training initiatives, and reached more than 14.4 million people through their media and presentation campaigns.

    Student Commissioners have won recognition awards in almost every province for their efforts, including a Governor General's award, YTV Public Service Award, 3 Lincoln Alexander Anti-racism Awards, a Canadian Human Rights Achievement Award, and numerous provincial citizenship and youth of the year awards.



    After the national conference, the youth delegates return to their communities to share what they learned, consult with other youth and mobilize other youth in executing their ideas. The delegates work all year long in their communities and schools, implementing personal action plans and advising The Students Commission's Planning Committee. The delegates also participate in various projects of the Commission, such as developing "Nobody's Born a Racist", a Guide to Equity, and doing consultations for our report on social reforms, "Your Future, Your Decision - Youth Speak out on Social Reforms".



    Through Tiny Giant Magazine Publishing, youth learn communications technology skills, Internet, and video conferencing techniques, publishing, marketing and other transferable skills relevant to all areas of their lives.



    The Students Commission has been developed by a National Planning Committee comprising senior Student Commissioners, Optimist Club members, TG Magazine staff and volunteer educators.



    Student Commissioners have helped establish Canada Youth-speak International to give youth in Canada a chance to influence United Nations and international policy. Two Students Commissioners attended the World Summit on Social Development in March 1995, and three Student Commissioners the UN 50 conference, in January in Toronto. A team went to cover the G-7 Summit from a youth perspective with Auburn Air Student Media Services. Another commissioner is running a workshop at the Global Youth Forum in San Francisco. Two more Commissioners have been accredited for the Women's World Summit in Beijing and are being prepped to make an impact. [more]