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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units

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Curriculum Units:


Traditional Games

Fur Trade

Northwest Rebellion

First Nations Past and Present


Lesson 3#                        Legend Presentations

SUBJECT:  Language Arts

TOPIC:  Group Presentation

TIME FRAME:  4 - 5 classes

COMMON ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS:  Communication, Personal Social Values and Skills, Critical and Creative Thinking, Independent Learning.

MATERIALS:  Legends, paper, drawing paper, coloring/drawing materials and completed assignment.

1.OBJECTIVES:             Saskatchewan Language Arts Curriculum

CognitiveStudents will...

- discuss through literature, similarities and differences among cultures, lifestyles and experiences.
- demonstrate increasing ability to communicate ideas orally.

Psychomotor:  Students will...

- record main ideas and supporting details using written language.

Affective/Spiritual:  Students will...

- work cooperatively together to complete a task.
- respect the ideas and communication styles of others.
- provide peers with assistance and suggestions with their presentation.




The purpose of this lesson is to give students' an opportunity to enhance their learning and literacy using a multicultural approach.  This lesson enables the students' to become storytellers.


Day One:  Discuss with the students' that they will be presenting their legends to the class.  This lesson is a group project and the teacher should decide whether the groups will be chosen by students' or not.  The group size can vary, but this lesson works well with two or three students' in a group.  After the groups have been established, have the students' sit together with a computer and decide on a legend they would like to present.  The students' can choose a legend that has already been done or a legend that is new to them.  Hand out the suggestion sheet and have them choose a means to present the legend.  Tell the students' they have four days to put their presentation together and practice.  If the students need scripts during their presentations support it.  Let students' know that they will be drawing numbers to determine which group goes first.   This way everyone is done at the same time.

Day Two:  This is a work day for the students' to get started and maybe even completed with their project. 

Day Three:  This also a work day and a chance for the teacher to see how the presentations are coming along and a chance to assess the group members participation.

Day Four:  The groups should be just about done and beginning to practice their parts.  Encourage students' to be artistic and draw pictures to go along with their presentation. 

Day Five:  Have students' arrange their desks in such a way that they will not be distracted while listening to the presentations.  The students' could even sit on the floor.  Draw numbers for which group goes first.   After each presentation give the presenters a group evaluation and a self-evaluation to complete and hand in.  You might need an extra day for the presentations.



Group Rating Scale
Self Evaluation