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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units

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Industry Canada



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Curriculum Units:


Traditional Games

Fur Trade

Northwest Rebellion

First Nations Past and Present


Lesson #3                            Early Trading Posts  

SUBJECT:  Language Arts/Social Studies

TOPIC:  Fur trading posts in Saskatchewan before 1821 and Building the first posts

TIME FRAME:  1-2 classes

COMMON ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS:  Communication, Independent Learning, Personal and      Social Values.

MATERIALS:   map of Saskatchewan

1. OBJECTIVES:                 Saskatchewan Language Arts Objectives

Cognitive:  Students will...

- access internet and describe,share, discuss resources and experience events and issues.

Physical:  Students will...

- access, organize and present information
- participate in class and small group discussions and collaborative tasks.

Affective/SpiritualStudents will...

- demonstrate increasing awareness of, and respect for, similarities and differences in cultures, lifestyles and human experiences portrayed in literature.

-This website contains information about early trading posts.
-This website contains information about trading procedures that were done at Fort Edmonton.


        Fur trading posts in Saskatchewan before 1821.
            - Ile-a-la-Crosse
            - Fort Pitt
            - Fort Carlton
            - Fort La Corne
            - Fort Qu'Appelle
            - Lac La Ronge
            - Cumberland House

    Vegetation Regions of Saskatchewan:

            - Evergreen forest (Northern Saskatchewan)
            - Mixed forest (Central Saskatchewan)
            - Park Lands (Central)
            - Open Plain (Southern Saskatchewan)



Brainstorm with students about early fur trading posts - "Where were they?", "What were they made of?".  Ask students if they think there were any fur trading posts in Saskatchewan.  After some discussion - point out the early fur trading posts in Saskatchewan.  You may want to discuss the vegetation regions.   Ask students "What do they think the trading posts were made of?", "Do you think that in the Open Plain  they used of trees? "What do you think they used to build the Northern trading post?

Have students visit the website (located above in Resources #1) about Building Early Trading Posts and answer the questions on the worksheet. 

Trading Posts
*Set up a trading post in the classroom and role-play the trading process.

Trading Procedures
*Students can visit website #2 from the resources to find out about the different trading procedures different tribes had.


Discussion/observation - students name three trading posts in Saskatchewan
Completed Worksheets

Earlytradingpost.jpg (13351 bytes)
Early Trading Post.  Parks Canada.