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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units

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Curriculum Units:


Traditional Games

Fur Trade

Northwest Rebellion

First Nations Past and Present


Lesson 7#                           HEROES OR NOT!

SUBJECT:  Language Arts/Social Studies

TOPIC:  Heroes or Not                                                                    

TIME FRAME:  1 class                                                                                              

COMMON ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS:  Communication, Independent Learning, Personal and       Social Values, Critical and Creative Thinking.

MATERIALS:   Worksheets

1. OBJECTIVES:              Saskatchewan Social Studies Objectives
                                       Saskatchewan Language Arts Objectives

Cognitive:  Students will...

- contribute ideas and language for a collaborative task during discussion.
- demonstrate increasing ability to communicate ideas in writing.
- become aware that First Nations people have been living here for tens of thousands of    
- understand that there is diversity among First Nations people.

Psychomotor: Students will...

- record main ideas and supporting details using written language.
- access, organize and publish information off of the computer.
- identify changes that occurred during the Northwest Rebellion/Resistance in writing.

Affective/Spiritual: Students will...

- respect and appreciate the history of First Nations and Metis people.
- respect the ideas, language and communication styles of other cultural groups.




                        Additional information on Louis Riel:

                        Additional information on Chief Poundmaker:

                        Additional information on the Northwest Rebellion/Resistance:


    The purpose of this lesson is to give students' an opportunity to recognize that heroes come from different cultures and backgrounds.  It is also important for the students' to develop an awareness that First Nation and Metis people did not always befriend and accept the wants of the European people.  There were many broken promises which led to wars between the First Nation/Metis and the Europeans.  This lesson was developed to give students' an opportunity to decide who could be considered a hero during this time and who is not considered a hero during this time.

    A study of heroes should include people of different background and varying abilities.  There should be opportunities for students' to reflect upon the characteristics that they admire most.


    Have the students' choose one person they believe was a hero during the Northwest Rebellion/Resistance and one person that they believe was not a hero during this time.  Write these questions on the board:

    a) What characteristics make this person a hero or not ?

        Did they win something or not?
        How did they go about getting what they wanted?
        How did they overcome their difficulties?
        What were some contributions to their communities?                

     b) What did your hero or non-hero accomplish?

     c) In what ways were these individuals important in the past?

     d) How did these individuals accomplishments relate to their cultural background?

     e) Did these individuals overcome racism or discrimination?

    Read these questions to the students' and see if there are any questions that aren't understood.  The student chooses two people from the Northwest Rebellion/Resistance that they have been studying. Students' will answer these questions for each person (Hero or not).  As well as, write at least one page describing the characteristics of the individual.


Observation checklist

Completed worksheets