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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units

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Curriculum Units:


Traditional Games

Fur Trade

Northwest Rebellion

First Nations Past and Present


Lesson 3#                      Ball Games: Tossing the Ball

SUBJECT: Physical Education

TOPIC: Tossing the Ball

TIME FRAME:  2 - 3 classes

COMMON ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS: Communication, Independent Learning, Critical and        Creative Thinking, Personal Social Values and skills.

MATERIALS:  One large ball at least fifteen centimeters in diameter.

1. OBJECTIVES:         Saskatchewan Physical Education Objectives

Cognitive: Students will...

- display an understanding of the terminology, rules, safety concepts, movement patterns     and performance cues that apply to the game.
- demonstrate the ability to transfer knowledge about the rules, etiquette and motor skills    from one game to another.
discuss and question the origin and history of the game.

Psychomotor: Students will...

- demonstrate basic movement patterns and performance cues related to the game.
- be able to toss a ball.

Affective/Spiritual: Students will...

- develop an appreciation for the role Cree culture while playing the games.




    The purpose of this lesson is to give students' an opportunity to involve themselves in a    traditional game that was created by the Plains Cree people.  This game is quite different from the previous two, as it does not use sticks.  This game uses the players skills through hand-eye coordination.  Teamwork is not used, but can be developed.  Different color vests, or bibs for individuals are needed to play the game.  This game is similar to the game dodge ball.  In this case, the ball is thrown to the other person in hopes that the other person will drop the ball instead of being thrown at the person for a target.  


Have the students' research this game on the Webster and read over the history and rules of play.  Print copies for each student so they can add this game in their folder.  Write the rules of this game on  a piece of Bristol board and display it in the classroom and in the gym.

For safety reasons, there is also the danger of someone getting hurt.  It might be helpful to use a large nerf type ball to throw and have the students' come up with their own rules of play to avoid injury.  Have these rules displayed in the classroom with corresponding consequences so the student know what to expect if they break those rules.


Student rules of play
Observation of student involvement


An example of the traditional Plains Cree toss ball game.

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