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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units

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Curriculum Units:


Traditional Games

Fur Trade

Northwest Rebellion

First Nations Past and Present


                     Traditional Games of the Plains Cree


    This unit is designed for various grade levels.  It can be taught from grade four to grade eight.  The unit focuses on traditional games of the First Nations people on the Plains.  The games will foster meaningful experiences for the students' and the teacher with respect to sports and recreation.  The goal of this unit is to develop an awareness and respect for the First Nations people and their contributions to our society.


    The purpose of this unit is to develop an awareness of various traditional Plains Cree games.  The games included are games of chance, ball games and others. Traditionally, each game had a different purpose in role it played in traditional Plains Cree culture.  It is important for students' to learn about the various games of First Nations People in order to become aware of the achievements made in the area of sports and recreation.  Having the students acknowledge that cultures embrace and work within different belief systems and different rules that administer behavior and communication will lead to the understanding and respect for another way of life.  This unit will foster meaningful experiences in physical education using First Nations games.  The students will demonstrate an increasing awareness for the similarities and differences found among cultures, lifestyles and experiences portrayed through various games. Students' can compare and contrast the games discussed in this unit. 

    Assessment will be based on anecdotal notes/records, observation, checklists, participation/discussion and presentation.  The time frame can span anywhere from two to three weeks but it can be modified for any time frame.

Foundational Objectives:    Saskatchewan Physical Education Objectives

Cognitive: Students will...

- through participation in a physical education program, develop the knowledge, skills and values necessary to become physically educated people.

Psychomotor: Students will...

- demonstrate competency in many physical activities and proficiency in a few physical activities.

Affective/Spiritual: Students will...

- understand that physical activity can provide enjoyment, challenges, self-expression, social interaction, work and leisure.