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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units

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Curriculum Units:


Traditional Games

Fur Trade

Northwest Rebellion

First Nations Past and Present


                                    TREATIES UNIT EVALUATION

    Throughout this unit students' can keep a journal to indicate what they have learned in each of the lessons.  For example:  In the introductory lesson they can begin their journals by writing what they have learned about the concept of treaties.  Each time you teach a lesson in treaties they can reflect in their journals what they have learned.

    A portfolio of collection of students' work can also be used.  This will give the teacher an idea of just how well the students are grasping the concept of treaty.

    A number of observation checklists for participation in discussions and group projects can also be utilized.  At the end of the evaluation some checklists are given.  They are taken from Saskatchewan's Curriculum Guides.

    Generally at the end of a unit there is a unit test. It is your decision if you would like to use the following test as a guideline.

                                 Unit Test On Treaties


1.  What is a treaty?


2.  What are the two types of treaties?


3.  Describe one of the treaties.


4.  How many treaties are there in Saskatchewan?  What are they   called?


5.  What is the process of making a treaty?


6.  Does a treaty have to be written to be legal?



  1. Annuity

  2. Cede

  3. Aboriginal

  4. First Nations

  5. Negotiate

  6. Treaty

  7. Commissioners

  8. Perpetual

  9. Adhesion

  10. Metis

  11. Agenda

Evaluation Overview

Lesson 1

    1. Journal - Students' can write in their journals at beginning of lesson "What they think a treaty is."  At the end of the lesson they can write what they have learned about treaties.
    2. Observation/Checklist - Have a checklist for student participation.

Lesson 2

    1.Journal - Students write in their journals what they have learned about treaties.
    2. Observation/Checklist - Have a checklist for student participation.

Lesson 3

  1. Journal - Students' write in their journals what they have learned about treaties.
  2. Observation/Checklist - Have a checklist for student participation.
  3. Portfolio - Students' research report outlines.

Lesson 4

  1. Journal - Students' write in their journals what they have learned about treaties.
  2. Observation/Checklist - Have a checklist for student participation.
  3. Portfolio - Collect a sample of the students' work.
  4. Presentation - Teacher uses a checklist.

Lesson 5

  1. Journal - Student write in their journals their feelings about negotiating their classroom treaty. Also they can write what they have learned about treaties, why or why not they liked learning about the treaties.
  2. Portfolio - Completed treaty.
  3. Observation/checklist - Have a checklist for student participation.

Examples of Checklists    

   The following checklists are taken from Saskatchewan' Curriculum Guides and from the Student Evaluation:  A Teacher Handbook (1991). 

    This example is from the Saskatchewan Social Studies Curriculum Guide (1991):

Rating scale for Cooperative Group Learning

Student Name:

                                                  Never      Seldom        Often         Always

1.  The student works with a wide variety      1             2                 3               4       of peers.

2.  The student willingly shares ideas and       1             2                  3               4
     materials with others.

3.  In groups student shows respect for            1             2                  3               4
     others by listening.

4.  The student follows group work rules          1             2                  3               4
     as established.

5.  The student fulfills his/her work                    1             2                  3               4
     responsibilities in the group.

6.  The student exhibits appropriate                1             2                  3               4
     work behaviors during time set aside
     for group work.

7.  The student participates in discussions        1             2                  3               4
     during the time set aside for group

8.  The student contributes ideas to the           1             2                  3               4
     groups efforts.

Copyright,  The Student Evaluation: A Teacher Handbook, Saskatchewan Education (1991)

Additional checklists and rating scales (from Language Arts area):

An example of a checklist for presentations:

Examples of self-assessment checklists:

For more evaluation strategies: