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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

Canada's Digital Collections program
Industry Canada


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Dances of First Nations




                             Traditional Dances of First Nation People


   Welcome to the Traditional Dances of First Nations Unit.  This teaching unit allows students' to participate in learning about the traditional dances of First Nation peoples across Canada.  This unit was developed for grade 5, however it can be easily adapted for any grade depending on the abilities of the students'.  In addition, students' will have an opportunity to examine a range of First Nation groups and in some cases take part in simulating dances. 


    The purpose of this unit is to have students' become aware of the dances in various First Nations cultures.  There are many types of dance styles these people practice, however for the purposes of this unit the focus will mainly be on Men's Dance Styles - Grass, Fancy, Straight and Traditional dancing, Women's Dance styles - Buckskin, cloth, Fancy Shawl, and Jingle dancing.  It is important for students' to differentiate these types of dances because each dance represents significant cultural practices and beliefs. Teaching this unit is one step toward  preserving the cultural achievements and contributions of First Nation peoples.
    Assessment of this unit will be based on portfolio of students' work, observation checklists, participation in large and small groups and anecdotal records.

Foundational Objectives:                      Saskatchewan Arts Education Objectives
                                                                Saskatchewan Social Studies Objectives 

Spiritual: Students will...

- develop an appreciation of the different dances of First Nation people and their value of the dances.

Physical: Students will...

- participate in a simulation activity of a Rain Dance.

Cognitive: Students will...

- become familiar with different dance styles of men and women  from various First Nation cultures.

Affective: Students will...

- become aware that First Nation peoples have developed dance traditions for different purposes and reasons.