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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

Canada's Digital Collections program
Industry Canada


About this site

Role models

Traditional Plants

Dances of First Nations




                               About This Site


    Under Canada's Digital Collections program the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College  Department of Indian Education has created five curriculum teaching units.  The project focus has been on the integration of First Nation and Metis peoples cultural content within Canadian classrooms. 

    Each of the units focus on the historic and contemporary contributions and achievements of Canadian First Nations and Metis people.  The content in each of these teaching units portray positive images which enhance the rich philosophical beliefs and practices demonstrated by First Nations and Metis people of the this country.  For the purposes of this project attention will be given to the specific cultural groups in Saskatchewan. 

    It is the goal of the project to showcase the rich heritage of two major cultural groups who were instrumental in the development of this country. By sharing this knowledge with educators these teaching units serve as a viable resource in the classroom and supports the use of technological interaction with children.


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The Curriculum Units

    The curriculum units span a time frame of approximately two to six weeks in length and are presented in format suitable to a variety of settings and grade levels.  The focus of the work supports the provincial curriculum's as mandated by Saskatchewan Education.  At the same time, we have attemped to retain the unique and distinct features of First Nations and Metis cultures. Saskatchewan Education's policy towards meeting the needs of First Nations and Metis content in the classroom is supported in this project.

    Each of the curriculum units include: an introduction, a rationale, foundational objectives, an overview table, lesson plans, unit evaluation, and content resources. The curriculum units are presented in full as Web documents for the use of the processor.


The Authors

    The team of curriculum developers and writers consisted of two recent graduates from SIFC - Department of Indian Education: June Lewis and Tara Van Segbrook.  The project was co-ordinated and managed by Ms. Janice R. Lerat.  The web-site creation and design was developed and assisted by SIFC - Computing Services Technician, Darrell Rudolph.

    Each of the team members have prepared a biography about themselves, which can be found at the end of the website.


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