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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

Canada's Digital Collections program
Industry Canada


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Role models

Traditional Plants

Dances of First Nations




Lesson 5#                                    First Nations Rain Dance                             

SUBJECT:  Language Arts and Social Studies

TOPIC:  Rain Dance

TIME FRAME: 1 class

COMMON ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS:  Communication, Independent Learning, Personal and Social Values.

MATERIALS:   various pictures of First Nations dances and dancers

1. OBJECTIVES:                         Saskatchewan Language Arts Objectives
                                                       Saskatchewan Arts Education Objectives
                                                       Saskatchewan Social Studies Objectives 

Affective/Spiritual:  Students will...
develop respect for the concept of a rain dance.

- express theirselves through dance by movement.

Cognitive:  Students will...
observe and describe the different movement patterns of the dance.



This website consists a lesson plan for conducting a simulation of a rain dance.


Presentation and/or Modeling of Content (Concept, Skill and Appreciation):

a) Explain how First Nation peoples felt about the land.

b) Discuss how they did a dance when they needed rain. They believed the spirits would provide the rain.

c) Discuss the musical instruments, chants, and costumes that were part of the ceremony.

d) Show pictures of authentic rain dancers.

e) Discuss the difference between a modern dance for pleasure and a rain dance for water.
    Taken from Lesson Title: Rain Dance (Culminating Activity)


Research the following website for the lesson plan.  The lesson plan was developed for a grade three level.  However, it can easily be adapted for any grade level.

Lesson Title: Rain Dance (Culminating Activity)

As a culminating activity you can plan to go to a pow-wow with your class and have students observe what goes on; different types of dances, the regalia 
(note: The pow-wow dance season begins in the spring.)

Another idea would be to have an Elder visit your classroom to speak more in-depth about the Sun Dance or the Rain Dance.

