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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

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Lesson 3#                               Activity 3.1 : Math Fair


Create five activities representing the five math strands.  These activities should follow the theme of  First Nation peoples dwelling's.  A suggested sample description of the different activities is listed below.  Teachers' can uses these ideas or implement their own ideas when preparing for the math fair.

Geometry : Have the pictures of each dwelling lamented. Cut these pictures into a puzzle like pattern.   The object of this activity is to have the students' assemble the puzzle pieces to make into one picture again.

Problem Solving : Have a list of questions each on it's own card. Have all the answers on a separate card allowing the students' to have this card when they have finished responding to a question. The questions can range from how many wooden boards they would need to build a Pacific Northwest longhouse, to how many blocks of snow would they need to build an Igloo.

Measurement : Using different pictures of dwelling's, have the students' measure the height and width of each structure and compare their results with their classmates.

Data Management and Analysis : Have a bag filled with different First Nation dwelling's pictures.   Allow each of the students' to  pick a handful of pictures and graph their results.  For example,

Igloos Pacific NW Longhouse Tipi Eastern Woodlands Longhouse/Wigwam

                                                               have the students' color in the amount of dwelling's in the                                                                 appropriate spaces.  For example, a student picks 5 igloos,                                                                 3 tipis,  5 Pacific NW longhouse and 7 Eastern Woodlands                                                                 longhouse or wigwams.  Color in the 5 spaces under the                                                                 igloo, color in the 3 spaces under tipis and so on.

Numbers and Operations : Create a board game where the students' only advance on the board game if they answer the question correctly.  The question's would consist of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.