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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

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Lesson 1#                       Activity #1.1 : First Nation's Dwellings

    Allow students' the  choice of one major writing assignment, or small assignment's grouped together to create a more detailed one on one topic.  For example;  the students' will be given the choice to research one of the types of dwelling being discussed in this unit or write a one page paper about each of the dwelling's, describing what they have learned about them. The students' can follow the outline below to complete their assignment's.


1. What dwelling is your paper on?

2. What materials (wood, animal skins, bark) were used to construct the dwelling?

3. Why were these specific materials used?

4. Who built the structure of the dwelling?

5. Who owned the dwelling and why?

6. Who lived in the dwelling?

7. Were these dwelling's used all year long?

Anishnabai Tipi                                               
(Decorated Tipi: Temagani Anishnabi Tipi Camp, 1998)            (Picturesque view: Grand Shelters, 1998)