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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

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Lesson 1#                 Activity 1.2 : Rules of a Sharing Circle

1. Students' and teacher sit in a circle.

2. A stone is needed and has to be passed around clockwise.

3. An individual takes the stone with their left hand and when they are done talking, passes the stone to the student sitting next to them with their right hand.

4. No one is allowed to talk during the circle except the one with the stone in their hand.

5. No one can leave the circle until everyone is finished, or had an opportunity to talk.

6. Not everyone has to share but participation is encouraged. If you do not wish to speak say "pass" and hand the stone to the next person.

7. Everything shared is CONFIDENTIAL and does not leave the circle.


A sharing circle is meant for relieving stress, enabling you to speak your mind without the threat of being interrupted.  Trust and respect should be thoroughly established within the classroom before beginning such an exercise.