First Nation and Metis Role Models Welcome to the First Nation and Metis Role
Models unit. This unit was designed specifically for the grade four classroom,
however it can easily be adapted from grades 5-8. The purpose of this unit is to
have students' develop an understanding and appreciation for Saskatchewan's First Nation
and Metis peoples' as leaders throughout history and today. Rationale This unit will familiarize students' with the achievements and contributions of people from various cultures, backgrounds, genders and a range of abilities. While learning about these role models, it is the goal of this unit for students' to recognize that these individuals include: authors, musicians, artists, leaders in government and community organizations. First Nation and Metis leaders, inventors, volunteers, individuals who have completed good deeds for others, fur traders, medical people, explorers and athletes. Also it is important for students' to know that the identity of our role models include the historical experiences, ethnic background and the physical and social environments. Assessment of this unit will be based on portfolio of students' work, observation checklists, participation in large and small groups and anecdotal records.
Foundational Objectives
Social Studies Objectives