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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

Canada's Digital Collections program
Industry Canada


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Role Models

Traditional Plants

Dances of First Nations




Lesson 5#                                                 Activity 5.1 : Voices of the People

Internet Directions:  Choose one of the following heroes and go directly to his or her page and complete the following questions.


Voices of the People
Louis Riel
Madeleine de Verchères


  1. What is the name of the role model you have chosen?

  2. Is he or she fact or fiction?

  3. What were the achievements of the role model you have chosen?

  4. Did he or she contribute in any way to society?

  5. Would you consider to induct (enroll) this role model into the Hall of Fame?  Why or why not?