Lesson 7#
and Contrast Plant Uses TOPIC: Comparing and Contrasting the uses of plants of the Gitxsan and Ktunaxa people. TIME FRAME: 1-2 classes COMMON ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS: Communication, Independent Learning, Personal and Social Values. MATERIALS: Compare and contrast charts 1. OBJECTIVES:
Saskatchewan Science
Objectives Cognitive: Students will... Affective/Spiritual: Students will...
3. PURPOSE/TEACHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The purpose of this lesson is to have students' compare and contrast the
uses of plants of the Gitxsan and Ktunaxa people. 4. ACTIVITIES/IDEAS: Finding Information on the Internet about how the Ktunaxa
utilized plants Provide students' with their research report outlines from both the Gitxsan
and Ktunaxa people. The students' are to complete the chart using the information
they have obtained from their reports. 5. EVALUATION: