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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

Canada's Digital Collections program
Industry Canada


About this site

Role Models

Traditional Plants

Dances of First Nations




                                      Traditional Plant Uses Overview






Lesson 1

Language Arts and Science

Brainstorming different uses for plants. (Introduction to traditional plant uses)

1 class

Students' will:

- identify some plants that are grown for food.

1. Discussion

2. Observation checklist

3. Participation

4. Portfolio - KWL charts

Lesson 2

Health and Science

Different plants used for food-related purposes



Students' will:

- identify some plants that are grown for food.

1. Discussion

2.Observation checklist

3. Participation

4.Portfolio-Completed              question sheets about plants
Lesson 3

Health and Science

Different plants used for technical purposes


1 class

Students' will:

- identify some plants that are grown for technical uses.

1. Discussion

2. Observation checklist

3. Participation

4. Portfolio-Research                Report Outline
Lesson 4

Health and Science

Different plants used for medicinal purposes

1 class

Students' will:

- identify some plants that are grown for medicinal uses.

1. Discussion

2. Observation checklist

3. Participation

4. Portfolio -Research               Report outline
Lesson 5

Health and Science

Traditional Food Preparation and storage

1 class

Students' will:

- identify traditional food preparation and storage.

1. Discussion

2. Observation checklist

3. Participation

4. Portfolio- question sheet
Lesson 6

Health, Science and Social

Researching plant uses of the Ktunaxa

1-2 classes Students' will:

- identify traditional plant uses of the Ktunaxa.

1. Discussion

2. Observation checklist

3.Portfolio-Research                    Report                     
Lesson 7

Health, Science and Social

Comparing and Contrasting

1-2 classes Students' will:

- compare and contrast the uses of plants by the Gitxsan and Ktunaxa people.


1. Observation checklist

2. Participation

3. Portfolio-Comparing            and Contrasting Chart


Common Essential Learning's

Saskatchewan Education (1988) promotes the enhancement of instruction and student
learning through the Common Essential Learnings (CEL'S). The CEL'S encourage the
understanding of values, skills and processes both in and outside of the classroom. Each
of the following areas are represented in our units to assist the teacher-student
relationship. CEL'S include the following:

Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal Social Values and Skills
Independent Learning
Technological Literacy

For additional information about the CEL'S, check: